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Children's Alopecia Project

CAP2U Coast2Coast You donate, I'll drive! - Jeff Woytovich


Driving 5680 miles from Reading, PA to San Diego, CA through 20 states, visiting 31 cities in 14 days!

September 9 to September 22, 2019


Jeff Woytovich here, I want to raise $10 per mile to raise funds and awareness helping to fund our 6 camps around the country. Alopeciapalooza in Maine, Calipalooza in California, and our CAP Kid Camps in Washington, Colorado, North Carolina and Ohio. All children with alopecia are free but the real goal is to reduce the cost for the rest of the family. All of the camps are family based and it's important that they all attend and to date, we have never said no to anyone because of cost. I want to keep it that way.

My goal of raising $10 for each mile I will travel adds up to $56,800 and I really think we can do it!

Yes, this will be a challenge but our children with alopecia are challenged every day with stares and in worst situations, made fun of, ignored and bullied. Alopecia does not have a cure or an effective treatment, hair loss could be a spot on the head to total and complete body hair loss.

I do it for the CAP Kids, will you help me? You donate, I'll drive!

Thank You For Your Support!

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