Henry David Thoreau wrote: “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” Great leaders pause and reflect a brief moment on reading these words. Their focus goes immediately to the words “dreams” and “imagined,” reminding them that the limits to their growth are self-imposed or learned.
The words of Stephen Covey ring loudly: “ We see the world, not as it is, but as we are – or as we are conditioned to see it.” Dreams and imagination are the magic that enables them to escape the limits and boundaries of what they know.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau told them: “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.”
Beyond the power of dreams and imagination, there are things more simple in life. It may be a word that opens someone’s eyes and mind to a possibility not dreamed: “You could be a truly great speaker. You have the gift.” Or, “Your passion and love of life and what you do are inspiring. Have you considered doing this?” All of a sudden a life changes, because someone recognized something that the other hadn’t seen … or believed.
It was this simple validation that changed someone’s view of themselves and their limits. It is a beautiful and simple act of love – to help someone believe in themselves … to see something greater, something they never believed. And then, believing they begin on a life’s journey that will change them, the world and everyone whom they touched forever.
All this happens when you believe in yourself. Make your dreams and the dreams of others become reality. Imagine the unimaginable. You have the magic. You have the power. It is that beautiful thought we have heard from other great leaders: “Someone believed in me, and brought out the best in me.” Bring out the best in yourself and everyone you touch. Be more than you ever dreamed you could be … and more … so much more. And have fun doing it.
Leadership is a matter of the heart, and the heart knows no bounds, because love has no limits. Life is so very, very good.
Have a beautiful day and a magnificent week!!!